This post is a part 2 of my previous blog Composite Collapsible Multifield in AEM 6.3 Touch UI in which we retrieved the authored multifield values in our sightly code by using JS Use-API.
Here, we'll use the Java WCMUsePojo API to retrieve the multifield child values in our sightly code.
Here, we'll use the Java WCMUsePojo API to retrieve the multifield child values in our sightly code.
First, we'll create the MultiList bean having same properties as in our dialog with getters and setters as shown below:
package; public class MultiList { private String multitext; private String multinum; private String multicheck; public String getMultitext() { return multitext; } public void setMultitext(String multitext) { this.multitext = multitext; } public String getMultinum() { return multinum; } public void setMultinum(String multinum) { this.multinum = multinum; } public String getMulticheck() { return multicheck; } public void setMulticheck(String multicheck) { this.multicheck = multicheck; } }
And then, we'll create a class extending WCMUsePojo where we'll get the current node and then get the products node (where child values of multifield are stored) and iterate over that and set the retrieved property values in List of MultiList bean created above. Below is the implementation of this process:
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; public class MultiListComponent extends WCMUsePojo{ private ListmultiItems = new ArrayList (); @Override public void activate() throws Exception { Node currentNode = getResource().adaptTo(Node.class); if(currentNode.hasNode("products")){ Node productsNode = currentNode.getNode("products"); NodeIterator ni = productsNode.getNodes(); String multitext; String multinum; String multicheck; while (ni.hasNext()) { MultiList multiItem = new MultiList(); Node child = (Node)ni.nextNode(); multitext= child.hasProperty("multitext") ? child.getProperty("multitext").getString(): ""; multinum = child.hasProperty("multinum") ? child.getProperty("multinum").getString(): ""; multicheck = child.hasProperty("multicheck") ? child.getProperty("multicheck").getString(): ""; multiItem.setMultitext(multitext); multiItem.setMultinum(multinum); multiItem.setMulticheck(multicheck); multiItems.add(multiItem); } } } public List getMultiItems() { return multiItems; } }
<div""> <h4>Composite Multifield</h4> <ol data-sly-list.product="${blog.multiItems}"> <li> ${product.multitext} has ${product.multinum} with boolean ${product.multicheck} </li> </ol> </div>
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